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Magnolia Trees

Q.Southern Magnolia care

Zone Clark, NJ 07066 | Daisystich added on April 8, 2017 | Answered

This past fall we planted a 15 ft. tall Southern Magnolia. Due to the extreme heat here, it had suffered a lot of leaf loss at the nursery. It has thrived through our winter. It suffered further damage from squirrels eating spent seed pods, and chewing off some branches.

Although most of the leaves that remain are very healthy, a small amount have burned due to a quick freezing snap we recently had.

I am hopeful this summer will be mild and that it will survive. Since I never had one, I’m wondering several things.

Will new leaves sprout on bare branches?
Do the buds develop the same year as they bloom?
Is there anything special I can do to assure a good hearty tree.?
Do squirrels typical bother them or could it be due to the heat damaged condition?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2017

If the branches are alive (do they bend) it can leaf out.
If they snap off, the are dead.

This Magnolia has had a tough go, poor thing.

Avoid pruning your Magnolia at this time, it is stressed and removing branches may expose may open the plant up to more sunburn on it's bark.
Optimize the care needed, watering and feeding.
These articles will help you.


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