Q.Soursop Fruits Stopped Growing Bigger
I have a soursop tree that is about 6+ years old. I did hand pollinating on those flowers that I can reach. Its been producing fruits nicely. Those batches that I did hand pollinating sometime in June onwards are bearing fruits and a lot of them too. But recently I notice that some of the fruits seems to stop growing bigger (its about 4″/10cm in length) while other fruits (from the same tree) are growing normally. Some fruits that appears later seems to start over taking it in size. May I know what could be the problem and is there anything I can do about it? Refer to photo.. ‘A’ – growing normally ‘B’ – fruited much later than ‘C’ but is catching up on its size. ‘C’ – seems to stop growing in size. Thank you for you time. .
Please refer to the above questions with photo. Sorry for the error.