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Zoysia Grass

Q.Mole Crickets and Reseeding Grass

Zone 00777 | diplolaplace added on March 12, 2014 | Answered

Sometimes (when I am in the mood) in the late afternoon, I go over the areas where I know mole crickets live twice with lemon scented dishwashing detergent. I’ve captured live over 300 of them, all sizes. I have not yet applied any insecticide, just soapy water. My question is: will seeding bring back the Zoysia Manila grass or do I have to replace the desolate areas with new grass? I am waiting for summer to apply insecticide.

Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 18, 2014

Seeding may help. I think that until the mole cricket problem is fully addressed, doing anything more than seeding would just be a waste of money and time as the area would just be attacked again.

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