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Hyacinth Plant

Q.something killing or eating rose bush leaves

Zone somerset,ohio43783 | ses43783 added on December 14, 2017 | Answered

What eats all of the leaves off my rose bushes without being seen and what how can I save my roses?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 15, 2017

If you have deer or elk in your area, then they can be the culprits. They will usually return though and decimate the canes as well! Using products such as Deer Scat! can help. It could also be night feeding worms. Using a systemic application such as Bayer Tree and Shrub granules works wonders. Apply the granular product per the label directions for ornamental shrubs. You can also spray an insecticidal spray on any remaining foliage to help protect it while the granules treatment kicks in. Hang in there, I know this is frustrating....

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