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Sunflower Plants

Q.Something Is Eating Leaves Of Young Sunflowers Dalias,salvia And Young Clematis Buds. Not Slugs Snails Or Earwig.

Zone B629NS | Dinah Jayes added on July 28, 2020 | Answered

I was late planting sunflowers salvia and other bedding plants. Something is eating young leaves leaving g large holes. Also growing tips of new clematis plants. What can I put onto discourage this. Tried slugpellets earwig traps, and soap and water. Can you Help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 28, 2020

Applying slug pellets should be done away from the garden, as it attracts them. Attracting them to the garden will mean that, along with the pellets, they will consume the plants, also.

If you have used slug pellets near your garden, or in your garden, then they are likely eating your plants, as well.

Otherwise, unless you catch the predator in the act, it will be hard to say.

I would suggest using a few forms of pest control, together. These articles will help:




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