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Q.Soil Mix For Repotting Golden Raspberry And Myers Lemon Tree.

Zone Stillwater, ok 7a | Anonymous added on February 8, 2023 | Answered

Hello. I received a golden raspberry about a foot no branches or leaves and a myers same hight with some damage from travel. Ive read for Meyers lemon i should have good draining mix add in cactus mix and fertilizer before repotting from the 1 fal to 1-2 size container up. Should i add worm casting on top n how much plz? regarding the raspberry. I read your wonderful article. Its in a 2q container to be repotted in 1-2 size larger. Should i just mix potting soil and cow manure equal parts? Im sorry to bother you im so overwhelmed and ttly new.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 9, 2023

You can mix the worm castings into the potting soil per the instructions below. On the raspberry, just use about 1/4 of the manure instead of 1/2. These articles should help you get your plants potted:


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