In front of my home, between me and the dirt road; there is quite a few large and small oaks, swamp maples, pine and sweet gum trees. About 2 acres. Dappled light but mostly shade. When it rains heavily, water stands and it becomes soggy. However, when it is sunny it dries up quickly. My question is: since the soil is acidic and heavily mulched, would this constitute a Loamy soil? If not Loamy, have any idea what it could be called? I’ve thought of planting shrubs and vines within this open wooded area. Since it only stays boggy about 4=5 days during heavy rainfall…could you suggest 3 or 4 shrubs that might do well in this type soil?. I live in zone 8/9a. Sincerely, Lynn Eager Ps. I currently get your e-mails and LOVE your articles. Keep up the good work!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Without having a sample in front of me, I would not be able to correctly identify a soil type. I can, however, give you a link to find your local extension service. You can take samples of this soil to them and they will be able to analyze, and even tell you exactly what nutrients in the soil, and many other things about the soil.
This link will help you find your local extension service: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search/
You can determine what type of soil you have. Here is one method: https://www.todayshomeowner.com/diy-soil-texture-test-for-your-yard/
Acidic and mulched soil is not necessarily loam. Your problem with drainage makes me wonder if the soil isn't very deep before bedrock is reached. Do you have a basement? Builders often skip a basement if bedrock is near the surface. You might like this article from Fine Gardening: http://www.finegardening.com/solutions-wet-shady-sites