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Hyacinth Plant

Q.soggy grounds, tollerant shrubs?

adesimone added on March 9, 2018 | Answered

Hi, We have a large opening between the houses and would like to plant
a flowering bush that will grow high and tolerate very wet grounds.
Already thought of the rhododendron/azalea and hoping for additional ideas.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 9, 2018

Elderberry, Aronia (chokeberry), Clethra (summersweet), Silky and gray dogwood, Virginia sweetspire, Kalmia (laurel), Viburnum dentatum and V. trilobum, spice bush, Northern bayberry, Inkberry, winterberry and possumhaw will tolerate wet soil. Some require acidic soils and may not be appropriate for your agricultural zone. Most azalea and rhododendron require well-drained, damp soil, not wet soil. One exception is swamp azalea. Most plants that like moist soil will suffer root rot in wet soil. May I suggest you conduct a soil percolation test to differentiate moist from wet soil. https://www.todayshomeowner.com/diy-soil-drainage-perk-test-for-your-yard/

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