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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Soft rot in calla lily

Zone 75025 | Anonymous added on April 25, 2019 | Answered

Hi I planted a calla lily bulb in a pot ( commercial potting mix ) a month ago. It started very well with lots of shoots. But then the shoots get limpy. I could easily pull the limpy shoots so I suspect soft rot. So I dug up the bulb and sure enough it is mushy. So I throw away the bulb. Is the whole pot of soil need discarded? Is 5 gallon. Is commercial potting soil (it said with water retaining crystals ) bad for calla since it needs well drainage?
Thanks for your help.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 25, 2019

Yes, very bad idea for plants that need well draining soils. The soil needs to be thrown out, and the container disinfected with peroxide, or alcohol. Peroxide is much safer for plants, so I recommend that. Get a regular potting mix that is light, and airy with very good drainage.

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