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Q.Soft Green Young Chilli Fruits

Zone Indoor, south Sweden | Anonymous added on November 8, 2022 | Answered

Hi! I’m a big fan of your website, lots of useful stuff and desperate hoping for help! I have a problem that I never seem to be able to get an answer to. Have searched all over the internet for answers but in vain. I grow almost only super-hot peppers and sometimes the fruits become soft, unripe fruits are soft, not crispy, and crunchy and I can’t figure it out and can’t solve the problem. I have three super-hot plants, Trinidad Scorpion, Chocolate Bhutlah and Thor’s Thunderbolt. All three are the same size, get the same nutrition 1-2 ml Seeweed Grow Your Own and Nitrozyme 1-2 ml each watering. The soil 50% rose and 50% cow manure, is well drained, keep the soil evenly moist, at least I think, never let the soil dry out completely, 24 degrees Celsius, good light Mars Hydro TSL 2000. The plants you see in the pictures are beautiful, healthy, lots of flowers and fruits, so there is nothing visibly wrong. Thor’s Thunderbolt you see in the picture has crispy and crunchy nice fruits but Trinidad and Bhutlah the fruits are soft, but look nice? If there is a nutrient problem, water problem or some other problem Thor’s Thunderbolt would also have soft fruits but have not! Have had the same problem with other super strong before and can’t understand what the problem is? What am I doing wrong? I cannot be the only one in the world who has experienced this problem but cannot find any explanation for the phenomenon! You are my last hope, if anyone knows, it is probably you because your website contains everything about growing, one of the best source of knowledge! Attach pictures, one on Trinidad, young fruit, soft and Thor’s Thunderbolt completely normal, crispy, and crunchy and a picture of my garden 🙂 Kind regards Peter

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 28, 2022

This sounds like bacterial soft rot. This can be due to insect damage, or general infection to injured places on the plants. Fungicides can help, but it won't be, fully, resolved until the place can be cleared and sterilized. After this, plants can be restarted.

Here are some articles that can help:



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