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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Sod Prep and Care

Anonymous added on September 7, 2011 | Answered

I’ve contracted for sod from someone based on his yellow page ad. Old grass is up. Now I am scared that he is not prepping enough with loose topsoil and organic matter. Should I insist on this? He has filled in low spots with dirt dug from sidewalk and driveway edge. No new dirt. Before he lays new sod, of which I have no dimensions, what should I know/do? He has just instructed me to water daily, 30 to 45 mins with 5/8 hoses. I KNOW; I should have done more homework.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 8, 2011

If your topsoil is good, then there is not too much need for amendments. You can take a handful of dirt in your hand and squeeze it. If it holds together until you poke it, but falls apart after a poke or two, then it is good.

Water is the best thing for new sod. Fertilizer (unless carefully applied) will just burn it at this stage until it is established. Water as directed and a little extra will not hurt.

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