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Q.Snowdrops in the green

Zone North Wales | Pammy44 added on March 22, 2014 | Answered

How do I plant snowdrops in the green in my lawn?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 23, 2014

Ok, sorry about that. It was late at night when I answered your question so I think I was a bit muddled. :)

When I plant them in my yard, I dig pockets rather than holes. They are a relatively small bulb, so I just plunge my trowel into the soil at a slight angle a few inches and push the soil to one side. I then stick the bulb into the pocket this creates with the leaves still sticking out above the soil line. Then I just push the slightly lifted soil back into place over the bulb. I have found this is the easiest way to plant them without marring the lawn when naturalizing them. Hope this helps. :)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 23, 2014

"In the green" means to plant while the bulbs have leaves. Snowdrops are one of the few bulbs that do best planted this way. You can plant them dry, but they adjust best if you plant them green.

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Answered on March 23, 2014

Thanks Heather. That makes sense. I will take your advice.

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Answered on March 23, 2014

Thanks Heather. I do know that. I think we are at cross purposes here.
What I want to know is how to plant snowdrops IN THE GREEN in my LAWN.
Presumably I can't put the grass back on top of the snowdrop leaves? Or can I?

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Answered on March 22, 2014

Thank you ficus wrangler.
I have read the link but it seems to only refer to planting bulbs in the autumn.
All the articles I have found about planting snowdrops IN THE GREEN seem to show them being planted into soil not grass.
Do you mean I should remove areas of grass, plant the snowdrops IN THE GREEN in the soil, and discard the turves of grass?
Thanks again

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Answered on March 22, 2014

You can plant snowdrops into your lawn by clearing small patches of grass, and planting a few bulbs in each patch. This article will help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/snowdrop/information-about-snowdrops-and-when-to-plant-snowdrop-flower-bulbs.htm

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