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Jasmine Plants

Q.Snow N Summer Asiatic Jasmine Leaves Dropping

Zone Selangor, Malaysia | Anonymous added on June 17, 2021 | Answered

I recently bought her 4 days ago from the nursery. Just yesterday a lot of her leaves begun dropping. Some of the leaves had yellow and brown spots and some just fell even though they were green and healthy. The soil is moist but not wet and I haven’t watered since buying the plant because its already moist. I’m sure it wasn’t overwatered nor underwatered. She gets bright indirect sunlight. Is there a reason her leaves are dropping all of a sudden and so much? Some of the leaves even drop when I shake the plant slightly and when I bump a few of the leaves they fell almost immediately. And no, I hadnt repot the plant. Despite the leaf dropping, I see some new leaves sprouting. I sure am confused.. Some help is needed please >< what should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 28, 2021

The fact that the soil can stay wet for 4 days is very concerning. If this is indoors, you may have to move it outdoors, where the water can evaporate off, quicker.

Otherwise, a fan near it, or moving air, can help with evaporation.

You will need a fungicide, as well.

Here are some articles that will help:




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