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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Small Palm Plant Care

Zone Central PA | LMRehrer@msn.com added on August 15, 2015 | Answered

I “inherited” a palm looking plant from my son when he moved out of state. It was approx. 8″ tall from bottom of pot to top of leaves. After being forgotten and neglected for a spell of a few months, I took it out of his room and tried to revive it or at least decided to try to care for it. Since then, although the 4 existing leaves (fronds) are still there, they are brown and dead looking.

After watering for another few months, I watched two new shoots appear and quickly spike straight up in the air within a matter of days. I have no green thumb and have had a hard time determining whether I should cut or prune or do anything with those 4 (dead) leaves.

It has been about another month or two since watering and those two shoots have little nubs on them, but didn’t open or turn into fronds. Will they do that? Can someone please direct me to a care site or tell me what I should/could be doing with this plant? I can provide pictures if you like.

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Answered on August 17, 2015
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