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Q.Sloped Garden

Anonymous added on December 14, 2010 | Answered

What are the best plants for big, sloped garden?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 15, 2010

You have a couple options. One is to plant a ground cover. The nice thing about ground covers is you can buy one (or just dig up a bit at a friend's house) and it will spread on its own. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/slope-hill/hill-ground-cover.htm

Another option includes vegetables: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/slope-hill/growing-vegtable-garden-hill.htm

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Haroon ch
Answered on March 27, 2022

The sloping garden is not as easy to maintain and vegetate as a very flat land, but it is possible to take advantage of it on the ornamental level while taking care to limit erosion and the tumbling of the earth. For this, some techniques will allow you to fix the embankment, and if you associate them with the appropriate plants, you will obtain a very pretty environment breaking with the usual monotony.
With a sloping garden, as soon as slightly heavy rains fall, gullying and runoff follow which carry away the earth. To retain the latter, the first thing to plan is not to leave it bare, because rain and wind have devastating effects. Depending on the type of landscaping chosen, you can either create a rock garden like a small sloping garden, or install low walls to retain the earth by creating mini terraces.
To limit the often difficult intervention on sloping areas, opt for plants that require little maintenance (forget the lawn that needs to be mowed), rather ground-covering plants with a deep root system which will limit erosion, and with evergreen foliage that will not leave the ground bare in winter. If you are planning row plantings, only draw them horizontally so that they act as a runoff buffer. And plant a little more densely to get tighter coverage quickly.

plants with creeping and powerful roots: St. John's wort ( Hypericium spp. ) , periwinkle ( Vinca major and Vinca minor ) , daylily, iris, as well as in the Mediterranean regions, agave, yucca, opuntia...
evergreens: boxwood ( Buxus sempervirens ) , creeping rosemary, creeping juniper ( Juniperus horizontalis ) , creeping bramble, dwarf conifers…
climbing plants diverted for crawling: ivy, wisteria, star jasmine ( Trachelospermum jasminoides ) , honeysuckle ( Lonicera nitida )…
low flowering perennials:sedum ( Sedum sp. ) , iberis, houseleek ( Sempervivum spp. ) , deltoid carnations, flugelhorn, phlox, Rosa rugosa …
You will thus be able to take advantage of an embankment or sloping ground to make it an asset within your garden

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