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Skimmia Plants

Q.Skimmia Plant, Burnt And Eaten

Zone Greece | Jane Morris added on September 18, 2022 | Answered

My husband moved my Skimnia into full Greek summer sun and burnt the plant, I moved it under a tree the following summer and watered it regularly, but it was eaten by bugs and grass hoppers – the plant looks very sorry for itself, can I cut it right back in the hope it recovers or do I give up, but another and not let hubby anywhere near it? Many Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 20, 2022

You can prune it back, some. By about 1/3 will be fine. Do this during winter dormancy, or before breaking of spring growth, however. This should not be done during the active growing season. Proper care, next year, will help. Be sure that the soil's growth parameters are within range, and slightly acidic.




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