Q.Should I Try To Remove Mint Seeds From Indoor Herb Garden Before It Sprouts?
I recently planted an indoor herb garden, despite having a very bad record with plants. One of the herbs is mint and now I’ve been reading that mint basically doesn’t play well with others. Of the six things that I planted, five have sprouted. Not the mint. It’s at the end next to the thyme. Should I try to take out the mint now? If I do, will it hurt the other seedlings (thyme, basil, oregano, dill and tarragon) if I try to redistribute them in the box? What should I do?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would wait until they sprout to start snipping them. Do not pull them out.
It is best to start each plant in its own, individual container to avoid competition, however, some herbs will grow well together. This article will help:
This article will offer more information on container grown herbs: