Q.Should I Remove Pumpkin Leaves With Brown Spots?
A pumpkin vine sprouted in the area where last Fall’s pumpkins were allowed to decompose. By chance, it is in the middle of a raised bed with a variety of tomato plants. It has grown to be huge, spreading along the garden bed and into the lawn, and has a good number of male flowers and female flowers. Some of the leaves have developed brownish spots. We’re having a very hot spell with high humidity and occasional rainstorms. I’m watering every other day (more frequently if it’s dry). All of the plants look gorgeous, with the exception of the browning bits on the pumpkin leaves. Should I remove the leaves, or remove the damaged parts?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is likely a fungal infection. Make sure that you are watering as the soil needs it, rather then on schedule. The soil needs to be able to dry COMPLETELY down to about 2 or 3 inches between watering. This will kill off any infections within the top layer of the soil.
Only cut them off if they are spreading to more than half of the leaf, as opening a wound will allow the disease to spread faster. You will need a fungicide to treat the plant:
This article will help you to use a soil moisture meter: