Q.Should I Propagate My Bay Leaf Plant Or Is It A “sucker”?
I purchased a small bay leaf plant(cutting) last year through the mail (none for sale in my location..Baker Fl, the Panhandle..) approximately 2 inches. IT has done well in my pot and have been holding off planting. It is presently 5 inches tall above soil in the pot and has 7 very health leaves. My question is: there is an offshoot at the base just below the soil line. Hoping it had its own root system, but no, it is attached. Should I cut it off because it will weaken the main plant (?), and throw away; or will it root if I try and plant; or should i just leave attached and it will just be part of the larger plant. ALSO, should i plant the main plant now or hold off till spring? We are zone 9. Thank you for your help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Most bay trees I've seen were multi-branched like a shrub. I would leave it for now. Later, if you want to prune it like a standard with one trunk, you can cut it off then. They are best planted in early spring, so I would wait till then, plus it will be a bit stronger. Here is how to take care of it: