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Red Maple Trees

Q.Should I Cut The Top Tree Root Of A Crossover Of A Redpointe Maple Tree

Zone Basehor, KS 66007 | middledeb added on June 23, 2020 | Answered

I read your article about the pros and cons of a red pointe maple tree. I pulled back the mulch & soil. I found several roots crossing over that may be a potential to reduce the lifespan. My neighbor said to cut the top root that is crossing over the other. I am afraid to do that. Please clarify. What I should I do, cut or not cut? I understand you have no liability so please give me your educated answer. Thank you. I attached several pictures.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 23, 2020

This is likely occurring due to the compact nature of the soil. Trimming these roots will pose more risk of harm than good, as will digging the tree out to amend the soil.

I would suggest covering them back up with mulch, and adding earthworms to the area. They will help break up the soil and add texture so that your Maple will thrive.

In addition, confining root zones, especially for Maples, can be beneficial. They have, notoriously, invasive root systems that can damage structures and water lines, so a stunted root system can be preferable in some cases.

Here are some articles that will help:






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