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Q.Should I Cut One Out?

Zone Ozark, MO 65721 | DK1969 added on February 15, 2023 | Answered

Moved into a place with a neglected yard, I have most of it cleaned up, but am not sure what to do here. I think that if I let it go it will be lost completely. One of the photos shows a s\pot where sap is oozing out, my initial thought was to take that one off. The temps are warming here, so we are out of the very cold winter time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dan

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 20, 2023

I would not! I would, actually, opt to leave it and treat with with a fungicide.


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Answered on February 20, 2023

Oh wow, that is good to know, I was going to cut that one off. In your opinion, do I need to keep them tied together, or am I worrying over nothing?

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