Q.Shoud I Just Get It Pruned Or Should I Get It Chopped Down This Magnificent Tree In My Not So Large Garden? (UK Garden)
I have a large Western red cedar ( I think it’s that anyway) in my north facing garden. I like the all year round privacy it offers from the houses behind, but it is a very big tree for my size of garden and it overhangs they neighbour’s garden. They say it’s dangerous (probably right in a strong wind, although the broken branches tend to just hang in the thick canopy rather than fall to the ground) and also are annoyed with the pigeons living in it. If I got rid of it, I know it would cost over a £1000 and more if I want to plant smaller native trees in its place. I’ve always been against cutting down trees. On the other hand, nothing grows under it and it shades a large area of the garden and covers it in needles. What do you think? thanks for advising! Sarah
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Sometimes, if a tree causes more problems than it is worth... It can be best to let it go.
This is, completely, up to you, but it will open the area up to more variety. Trees like this tend to make the soil very harsh for anything else that might try to grow in the area. Removing the tree will be the first step for the soil to return to a plantable condition.
Here is an article that will help you with tree removal: