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Shasta Daisy Plants

Q.Shasta Daisies Are Laying Down

Zone 07960 | Monkeygeel added on July 12, 2020 | Answered

I have large drifts of Shasta daisies that average 3 feet tall in front of my house. We had a torrential downpour that overwhelmed our gutters and forced waterfalls of rain to overflow and beat down my daisies who now are bent and lying on the ground. Should I cut them all back to the ground and hope for regrowth?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 12, 2020

Wait first to see if they pop back up. That is usually the case unless they are too tall. Also, bent stems can be taped where they are bent. Here is more in the articles below. If they don't revive in a week, go ahead and prune them by about half.



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