Q.Shade Shrubs
We need to replace two shrubs that flank our front stoop. I looked at Rhamnus Fine Line and am wondering if it is suitable for shade. The front of our home gets morning sun. Also, how long until it would reach maturity?
We already have hollies planted across the front, with a tall holly on the left corner of the house and a very tall, false-spray cedar at the other end. Periwinkle is the groundcover.
I cannot tell you the name of the two shrubs that are getting more spindly and tired looking. Obviously, they are the ones to be replaced. The stoop is approximately 8′ x 8′. Our home is red brick w/sage green shutters. I am open to any suggestions you may have.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They can take some shade and get to be 5-7' tall when fully mature. But, it will take 5 years or so for them to reach full maturity.
If you wish to keep the plants that you have, you may want to look into a technique called rejuvenation. It does not work with all shrubs, but many shrubs can be sheared to the ground so that they will grow back full and young again.