Q.Shade Growing Ground Cover
Have you heard of a ground cover called seapack? Maybe I am not spelling it right but it is a gound cover that is grown in shade and a friend said it is very lucious and green looking. And I am having trouble with the squirrels digging up my newly planted lily of the valley and I don’t know what to do about them. I can’t get the lily of the valley to grow. Well, they are not in the ground long enough to get started. HELP!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I have not heard of seapack before. But here is a directory and article of some common ground covers that might help you locate one that you like: https://urbanext.illinois.edu/groundcovers/directory/index.cfm, https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/shade/ground-covers-for-shade.htm You can try spreading bloodmeal among the newly planted lily of the valley. This sometimes will keep the squirrels away. Another method is to use chicken wire to fashion cages over and below the plants. The ones in the ground can stay there as the roots will easily grow through the holes and the ones above the ground can be removed once the plants are established and less of a taret to the squirrels.