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Q.Seedlings In Hot Box

Zone 65610 | Anonymous added on March 3, 2023 | Answered

Can I transplant my seedlings to a hot box for better growing results? I have them under grow lights and there is hardly and change in growth for three weeks. Would the natural sun light boost them faster? And what is a good resource book for starting seedlings on my counter?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 3, 2023

Yes, you can try moving them to a hotbox to take advantage of natural light. Another thing you can do that will help the seedlings is to put a soil warming mat under the seedling tray. Also, make sure the light is close to the seedlings. Here is more:
We don't make book recommendations, but you can probably find one online with good reviews. Or call your local extension agent who might know of a good one.

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