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Q.second year paprika yarrow with healthy foliage & brown blossoms

Zone mountain view,ca | SharonMaule added on July 9, 2019 | Answered

my paprika yarrow had red blossoms the first year. this year, green foliage, perky plants but either dull yellow or brown blossoms. Plant is healthy, blossoms look awful and I want red. What to do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2019

n general, the pink or red flowers do fade and change color as they mature on the plant and this can sometimes provide a pleasing, multi colored effect. When the flowers are past their prime and go to seed and dry out, they typically bleach out and turn white with age. Regular deadheading would prevent that from being seen in the garden. Sometimes too the weather can cause poor color quality, as when night temperatures are above about 70 degrees.
They also can self seed and revert back to a white; deadheading can help this also.

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