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Houseplant Pest Control

Q.scale on houseplants

Zone cuenca, ecuador | Anonymous added on February 28, 2017 | Answered

How do I know when the scale is dead? I have used vinegar and water and now sprayed rubbing alcohol on the plants, mostly palms and diffenbachia. How do I know when they are dead? Or if that killed them at all?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 28, 2017

It can be difficult to tell if the scale are dead, since some attach themselves to the plant and never move.
Sometimes you can see a color change, they will become lighter in color when they die.
Also you can scape them off easier if they have died.
You can also try the 'squish' test. If still alive they will have moisture in them. This isn't always accurate, as they can still have some moisture after they have died.


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