Q.Saving Seeds
I planted my very first garden this year and would like to save seeds for next year but I’m not entirely sure how to go about that. Any advice you can give me would be useful. In particular, some of the plants I have that I’m letting go to flower to preserve seeds are: cilantro, radish, lettuce, arugula, tomato, kale, sunflower, peas, squash, and corn.
i dont know for sure how it all works but i did save green pepper seeds 2 years ago by lying them on a paper towel till they were dry a put them in a container till next season wich was last summer. i started them in the house then moved them outside to the garden turned out to be beautiful plants, the only problem there was no fruits on them. i talked to a friend and he told me the reason is because the seeds were not fertile seeds like the ones you buy in packets at the store. thats all i can tell you about saveing the seeds.good luck with your gardening ! oh yes not all seeds reproduce in the same nature but do give em a try cant hurt
this should help:
and this: