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Mock Orange Bushes

Q.Saving an old Mock Orange bush

Zone Rocky Point, PEI Canada, C0A 1H2 | jeoflynn added on September 10, 2017 | Answered

My Mock Orange bush is ancient and,although it blooms each year, it has fewer flowers. People tell me it is past time to (drastically) cut it back. How far down do I cut?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 10, 2017

Wait until it enters winter dormancy; it is too late to prune this year. Most flowering shrubs need annual pruning to keep the plant flowering at its best. Rejuvenation pruning is one technic for vastly overgrown shrubs. In late winter, cut all the stems down to 6 inches. Fertilize when growth starts. A less drastic measure is to remove 1/3 of the stems every year to the ground. You might fudge a bit the first year and remove closer to 1/2 of the stems. Take out the oldest, largest ones. You will have more blooms the following year.

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