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Maple Trees

Q.Save My 10-Year-Old Maple

Anonymous added on August 16, 2011 | Answered

We had a straight-line wind. My two 10-year-old Maples are split (cracked, but not broken) at the first Y. We have them strapped, hoping both sides of the Y will survive. I understand the tree can be bolted together with a long bolt. Is that true? Can I do that? The strap can’t stay on forever. What are our alternatives?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 17, 2011

You can try using a bolt split branch to the main trunk by installing long bolts through the trunk to pull the split back together and strengthen it. You can also install a cable through the branches above the split to prevent them from sagging and re-stressing the split. Any hardware you put in the tree will be eventually grown around and become a permanent part of the trunk.

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