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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Sago Palm/Watering

Zone Morgantown, WV | Anonymous added on March 17, 2018 | Answered

My husband purchased one of your Sago Palms at Sam’s Club. It has so much gravel around it, how can I tell how moist the soil is?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 18, 2018

With lots of gravel, it may be impossible to tell how moist the soil is. If this is the case, you may just have to go by time. The University of Arkansas Extension recommends watering Sago Palms once every 2-3 weeks:


Try that amount of time and see how the plant responds. If it seems healthy, your watering schedule is probably working. The main thing with Sago Palms is to make sure they don't get too much water, so when in doubt, try watering less.

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