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Hyacinth Plant

Q.sago palms

Zone Florence, SC 29501 | Grady added on May 29, 2017 | Answered

My sago is several years old. one year it produced a twin “fork”. A couple of years later, the tree was heavily frost bitten. Later that year, one fork started to grow.
It is a big tree. It now has three forks with cones. It is five feet in diameter and five feet tall.

With three forks, it is not really pretty. If I cut the cones from two and leave one, can they be trained together and not come back as three, but one.

Or better still, give me some ideas as to how to make one cone.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 30, 2017

I only have a note that my request had been received.

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