Q.Safe Pasture Trees for Equines
I was under the impression that the Keith Darvey Chinese Pistachio tree was safe / edible for equines. I bought a 10′ tall tree at our local nursery going out of business becasue of the high speed rail. The next day on FB, I saw an article from UC Davis siting Pistachio trees as toxic to horses! I can not take the tree back, all sales final. I would like to find more informtion about this as I can not find the original article that stated they were equine safe.
I am wanting to order more of this same tree if it is equine safe. I actually have four mules in the pastures that I would like to add shade too. We are always in a drought and rely on an ever shrinking ground water source so the trees need to be fast growing and drought tolerant.
I also bought two CA peper trees and a Rayburn Ash trees. Hoping those are safe as well.
Kelley Jo Locke
Zone 8
Madera CA 93636

My research also shows that Pistachio Trees are known to be toxic to horses.
This article has some information.
See more at: http://www.horsedvm.com/poisonous/pistacia/
This is outside of our expertise, so please consult with an Equine Vet to ensure the safety of your animals.