Q.Safe Paint/spray For Interior Of Raised Garden Bed
We have the metal ‘cover’ of a 4.5′ X 2’3″ X 16″H ‘dead’ firetable that I want to flip over and add to my collection of raised beds for edibles.(The open bottom will become the top; the current top has an 8″X3′ opening for the gas flame apparatus, which would become the drainage ‘hole’ on the bottom.) I cannot determine what kind of paint/finish is currently on the interior. Would like a recommendation for what I could spray over that current finish that would be safe to grow edibles in. Rustoleum? Or??? Many thanks for any suggestions! ‘

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
After doing some research, the product that kept coming up in posts was milk paint (this is different from chalk paint). It is mostly used on wood, however, so I'm not sure how well it would adhere to the surface you have. There is a milk paint bonding agent you can add that enables it to adhere to metal and other surfaces. It has no VOCs.
I did find this extension publication that said latex paint was safe to use on inside or outside of raised vegetable gardens.
You could always just cover the inside with a plastic liner to make sure nothing leaches through.