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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 75075 | Anonymous added on February 15, 2018 | Answered

I had a rutabaga in my storage for awhile, and it started to sprout leaves out of the top. I sliced a 3/4 inch section straight across that contained the leaves and put it in a bowl and watered it. It is taking the water, and the leaves are looking really healthy and are growing. My question is, will it eventually grow roots? Or can I plant it like it is? Will the leaves eventually produce flowers and or seeds? Well, that is like three questions. Anyway I was just wondering. Please let me know.

Thank You, Eric.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 16, 2018

Planting a rutabaga top in this way will most likely not lead to a new rutabaga, but because rutabaga is a biennial (grows for 2 years before producing seed), it will probably produce flowers and seeds this year if you plant it in the garden. Plants rooted in water tend to be delicate, so transfer it to soil carefully to avoid damaging any delicate roots it's produced. You can also eat rutabaga greens.

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