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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Royal Empress/Princess Powloweina

Zone 8 | arlid1 added on April 14, 2013 | Answered

Is it invasive in Chesapeake, VA? And should I start growing the seeds inside first? How do I take care of it? I have found a lot of controversy online.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 15, 2013

Undesirable Attributes

Paulownia tree wood is somewhat brittle. The branches are susceptible to wind damage and can easily crack or break off completely at the crotch. They often droop, as well, requiring removal to allow for foot or vehicle traffic. Spent seed capsules and small twigs litter the ground beneath the trees. The tree bark is thin. It can be scratched or scraped off easily by a lawn mower or weed wacker. Tree roots grow close to the soil surface, causing damage to concrete and making lawn mowing difficult. The leaves of Paulownia trees do not change color in the fall before dropping. Flower buds are formed on this tree in the fall. They can be damaged by freezing weather even in zones 6 and above, causing them to drop to the ground without blooming.


The Pulownia tomentosa tree is known to become invasive. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service lists the Paulownia tomentosa tree as a noxious weed. It is banned in Connecticut due to its potentially invasive nature. It is also listed as an exotic invasive pest plant in Tennessee. The tree spreads aggressively through abundant self-seeding."
was taken from this article: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/pros-cons-paulownia-trees-22938.html
The key words to me are invasive and brittle. Yes, in bloom they are pretty, but no more than for 3 of the 52 weeks of a year.

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