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Q.Roses spraying

Zone Lexington, ky. Zone 6 | nlmax1949 added on March 29, 2017 | Answered

I am going to try spraying my roses with Green Cure mentioned in your 2016 article by Stan V Griep called “Black Spot on Rose Bushes–How to Get Rid of Black Spot on Roses.” He mentions neem oil in the article. Is this something he recommends MIXING w Green Cure, alternating, or using only when insects are spotted?

I mostly have disease resistant varieties and have tried to get away from spraying but
in Kentucky all roses get black spot,,so, I’d like to try less toxic chemicals to avoid having to use the “big guns”!!

Thank you.
Nancy Maxwell
Lexington, Kentucky

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 7, 2017

Hi Nancy. I am the author of the article you referred to, Stan. I do not recommend mixing the Neem Oil with the Green Cure as it would alter the effectiveness of the Green Cure. I do recommend applying the Green Cure at the Cure Rate listed on the label rather than the prevention rate, as it seems to last longer and keeps the fungal diseases at by far better that way. I have found it to be the very best of Earth Friendly products to keep my roses looking nice. I hope you do as well. Feel free to contact me with any rose growing and care questions here at Gardening Know How. Only use the neem oil if you spot a problem starting.

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