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Q.Roses dying

Zone Central california | Barbsuemiller added on June 13, 2015 | Answered

I had a row of miniature roses that over a week or two died. The leaves dried up and fell off rapidly. It’s not lack of water but might be a small insect – it is too small to see. I removed the plants and planted new ones, and within a month they also dried up, dropped leaves and died. Any ideas on cause or what I should do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 13, 2015

I would take some of your soils in and have it tested, this sounds like something is in the soils that is killing them. Either that or if the mini roses are coming out of a green house or store and then planted directly in a rose bed with hot direct sun, they are burning up due to not being used to being outside in the sun. They may need to be conditioned first by setting them outside in their pots for a few hours each time, increasing slowly the time periods over a couple weeks. Then plant them and keep them well watered as the root systems need to get established in their new soils home.

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