Q.Rose Bushes
I bought this house about two years ago and this is the first time that I have seen them. The bush was there but no roses. They sit on the side of the house. In the morning, there is shade and the mid-day sun is out until dusk.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be that the roses are in the shade too much and do not get enough sun to perform well. Perhaps digging them up and moving them to a location where they will get 6 or more hours of sun per day is what they need. If they are fully leafed out and actively growing now, this is not the time to move them. Wait until next early spring and move them.
It could also be that they need a little rose food to get them to bloom better. The chemical mix fertilizer called Vigoro Rose Food that they have at Home Depot is a good food for them. Also, you might want to look for an organic rose food mix and alternate between the two of them.