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Hyacinth Plant


Zone eastern ok | jgaither added on April 16, 2012 | Answered

I have several rose bushes; however, two of them (Silver rose and John F. Kennedy) have brown petal tips in the bud stage. Can you help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 20, 2012

The brown petal tips can come from a few different things. One would be frost damage if it has been cold where you are at in the evenings. The ends of the petals are very delicate and the bushes juices cannot begin to protect them from cold temps. The same is true if it has been very hot where you are. If it were insect damage you would notice other damage to the buds as well, such as tiny pin hole looking marks on the outside of the buds. If it is bugs, a couple sprayings with some Safer Bug Patrol should get things taken care of.

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