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Hyacinth Plant


Zone yucca valley california | brandi added on May 14, 2016 | Answered

Why are my roses turning white? And are the little green flying bugs aphids?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2016

Some roses blooms will bleach white in the hot sun as they die back, especially yellow roses seem to lose their color quickly. Light pink is another one that fades out sometimes, red normally not. If you mean the foliage is turning white, you likely have a Powdery Mildew problem and need to spray the rosebushes as soon as possible. I recommend spraying them with a product called Green Cure at the Cure Rate at 5 day intervals if the powdery mildew has a strong hold. The green flying bugs could be aphids and they can become a problem as well. An insecticide spray may be in order as well if you notice large clusters of them forming on the buds and foliage of your roses.

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