Hi I had a floribunda rose bred for my mum about 4 years ago, I have 5 left and I am struggling to know what to do to get them healthy again. I am sending pictures of my roses all with something wrong. Any advice would be welcome. Kindest regards Susan

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The roses do not look that bad. They still have green canes and that is a big plus. There is a little canker or die-back on some of the canes. Prune out the black canker about 1/4 inch below the canker with clean pruners. Wipe the pruners down well with a disinfectant wipe before and after each pruning. This will help prevent spreading bacteria. Water the roses with some water that has both a product called Super Thrive and a root stimulator product in it. Local garden centers should have both products. Water the roses with a fresh batch of this water mix the next 4 to 5 times they need water. Also, give each rosebush about 1/3 cup of Kelp Meal. This should get them going well again and help them gain the strength to fend off bacterial and fungal infections.