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Hyacinth Plant

Q.rosemary likes what type of environment

Zone 92887 Southern California , Yorba Linda | pattyloup added on January 3, 2014 | Answered

I planted a rosemary in a pot with palm soil so it drains and put it on the south side of the house where it will get sun. But it gets very hot out here in the summer, so will it burn? I live in Southern California and the summer weather can get into the 100’s.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 3, 2014

They can take the heat provided they get enough water. In a container, in those kinds of temps, it will be very hard to keep them with enough water. You may need to water 2-3 times a day if temps get over 90F.

If you feel that you may be able to keep the plant watered, then it is fine there. But if you will not be able to do that level of water, I would look for somewhere less directly in the sun.

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