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Q.Rosemary leaves and compost

Anonymous added on June 6, 2015 | Answered

I was once told that pine needles were not a good thing to put in compost, as there is a growth deterrent found in the needles. Rosemary herb seems to have much of the same quality – evergreen and strong-scented, needle-like leaves. Should I avoid using rosemary leaves in my compost and use it for a garden mulch/top dressing for weed prevention instead? Please advise. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 8, 2015

There is really no reason why you cannot put them in the compost as long as they are healthy. Likewise, adding them to mulch should also be okay. Pine needles do not inihibit growth but add to the acidity of the soil over some time, which some plants may not respond well to. However, if they are composted along with other items, this should not be an issue.

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