Q.Rosea Ice Plant Looks Dry In Some Areas, There Is New Growth That Looks Dark Green, But A Lot Of The Rest Of The Plant Looks Light
green / yellowish? This was newly planted in November and grew great. Nursery said to give it plenty of water to get it started and it grew well. However, areas started to die, so I cut out the water, showed the nursery pictures, attached below and they said it needed more water. Area started looking worse, leaves fell off and became “woody” looking, cut the water for the month. Now I am watering about 1 time a week 3/4 inch of water, I know a little much, but the ground was really dried out. New growth is dark green, but noticed some yellowing? Just not sure to cut water for a few weeks as even areas where the plants are dense look light greenish / yellowish or how to proceed?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks to be an infection from overwatering. These drought tolerant plants will want prefer dry areas.
I would treat with a fungicide, and only water during times of drought.
Here are some articles that will help: