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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rose of Sharon

Zone Peterborough Ontario Canada | Sororitysam added on May 9, 2017 | Answered

We planted a five foot rose of Sharon last spring and it flourished in its spot in a garden on the shore of Pigeon Lake north of Peterborough, Ontario. Lots of pretty white flowers. Lots of admiring comments. Now it is May 10 and the thing looks dead. We protected it over the winter with burlap and leaves so thought it would be okay, but it has no buds. Other shrubs nearby, Japanese Maple, Lilac, are budding and healthy-looking but not ours. My friend tells me it is just a late-bloomer, to give it time, another month at least. But my husband is inclined to dig it up and return it for a refund, believing it is dead. Could it still be okay? Should we wait, give it more time to come back to life now that it is spring already? Today there were flurries in that neighbourhood. I feel we are being precipitous and over-reacting, that it is just taking its time to come into bud. Please tell me what you think we should do. Could it be dormant still, and come back to life next month? Are we being too hasty?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 10, 2017

I agree, give your plant more time. Rose of Sharon can die totally back and still grow back from the roots.
The ground is still very cold!


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