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Q.rose flowers open too much

tmohitm added on August 17, 2016 | Answered

My rose flowers nowadays open too much. I mean the centre of the rose is exposed totally with petals opening till convex upwards. Earlier it was not the case. Yet I am having really big roses but their appearance doesn’t please eyes anymore. I want to tell you diet of my roses. I used to feed cow dung manure only. Now I give them banana peels, Epsom salt and seaweed liquid fertilizer apart from cow dung. They are healthy but open too much.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 20, 2016

The hotter it gets the more quickly the rose blooms will open. Some will actually be buds during the day and open up over night on hot nights and be pretty much done by mid morning.It sounds like you are feeding them just fine. Keep them watered and when the temperature cools the blooms should begin lasting longer again.

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