Here is a link to an article on transplanting roses for you as well: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/how-to-transplant-roses-tips-for-transplanting-a-rose-bush.htm

If your rosebush is leafed out and growing well, this is not the right time to move her. It is best to move rosebushes in the early spring once the ground is workable and prior to the leaf buds opening up much. I find that watering the rosebush well the day prior to the move, even while yet dormant, with some water that has a product called Super Thrive in the water helps a great deal in dealing with transplant shock. Then once moved, water the rosebush in with some water that has both some super thrive and a good root stimulator mixed into the water. Water the rosebush with a fresh batch of this mix the next four to five times she needs water too.