Q.Rose bushes
In Atlanta I had what others called Forever Roses. Here in Columbus, OH I have what others call Knockout Roses. I might be mis-remembering but I think my Forever Roses had much smaller thorns than do my current Knockout ones. Please help me to clear the air: are Knockout Roses and Forever Roses simply two different names for the same perennial?
They are not the same rosebushes. They do have the same self-cleaning habit that the Knock Out Roses do and may be a bit more disease resistant. The knock out roses are their own line of shrub roses that are exceptionally hardy. The Knock Out Roses had a stronger marketing push that made them widely popular is the difference. Lowe's Garden centers are the main outlet for the forever roses in my area. Both are nice shrub roses and those that I know of that grow the Forever roses seem to be very happy with them. I have not tried them as of yet.